Need help understanding your cat? Look no further – The Feline Purrspective offers

cat Behavior coaching

Cats have a reputation of being inscrutable and untrainable, aloof and independent. Many people don’t even consider them to be fully domesticated and think of them as wild. So why have a cat as a pet?

You may have adopted a cat because…

  • Cats don’t require much space
  • They don’t HAVE to be walked
  • They can handle “alone time” fairly well
  • They don’t bark and bother the neighbors
  • You value the cat’s aloofness and independence

opening the lines of communication

Whatever reason prompted you to adopt a cat, The Feline Purrspective is here for you to learn more about the world of cats, and to help you and your feline be the best of friends.

Even if you value the aloofness and independence of a cat, you will find it useful to communicate with your feline roommate. Cat coaching can help you establish communication with your cat through cat-friendly handling and training.

Why Cat Coaching?

Cat scratching your sofa? Need to give medication to your cat? Want to train your cat to walk on a leash?

A cat behavior coaching session can provide you with a plan to reach your goal.

  • These one-on-one interactive sessions typically run about 30-45 minutes, and are remote or in-person (if you are local to Colorado Springs, CO).
  • Be prepared to discuss your cat’s environment and medical history in addition to how much time and resources you can allocate to reaching your goal.
  • Recommendations often include environmental modifications, enrichment activities, and/or training that supports desired behaviors.
  • Recommended training and cat-handling techniques are geared toward eliciting cooperation from the cat and use positive reinforcement.

Follow-up sessions help you gauge your progress and change direction if necessary.

Let’s chat about your cat!


Contact Me



Initial consultation  $60

  • 30-45 minute phone or video call      
  • 2 follow up emails           

Follow up consultation  $40

  • 30-45 minute phone or video call
  • 2 follow up emails

Home Visit (Colorado Springs) $90

  • 30-50 minute home visit with consultation
  • 1 follow up email